The film premiered on 19.10. in the hallowed halls of the Funkhaus — the erstwhile seat of Radio Berlin International (RBI) — which made the following podium discussion and Q&A with the director and former employees of RBI all the more special.
See here for more information on the film.
See below for some impressions from the premiere as well as press coverage.
Next Screening
Time: 21.11.2021, 18:00
Place: lokal, Königsstraße 4, 15377 Buckow (Märkische Schweiz)
2G rules apply (only vaccinated or recovered persons may attend).
The film’s spoken languages are German and Hindi with English subtitles.
Impressions from the premiere

Press coverage
Gouri Sharma. The radio station at the heart of an India-GDR friendship. Al Jazeera, 09.01.2022.
शहंशाह आलम. हाशिए पर धकेले गये लोगों को जोड़ने वाला रेडियो. प्रभात खबर, पटना, 03.12.2021 [in Hindi, translation: Shahanshah Alama. Radio connecting the marginalized. Prabhat Khabar, Patna, 03.12.2021].
शहंशाह आलम. भारत-जर्मन संबंधों पर आधारित फिल्म ‘द साउंड आफ फे्रंडशिप..’. देशबन्धु समाचार, 28.11.2021 [in Hindi, translation: Shahanshah Alama. The Sound of Friendship: A film on India-GDR relations, Interview with the protagonist of the film, Arvind Srivastava. Deshbandhu Samachar, 28.11.2021].
Warme Wellenlängen im Kalten Krieg. Das Hindi-Programm des DDR-Auslandsrundfunks. Politik & Kultur. Zeitung des Deutschen Kulturrates, November 2021, p. 31 [in German, translation: Warm wavelengths in the Cold War. The GDR foreign broadcaster’s Hindi program. Politik & Kultur. Zeitung des Deutschen Kulturrates, November 2021, p. 31].
Der Klang der Freundschaft – ein neuer Dokumentarfilm über Radiogeschichte zwischen der DDR und Indien. [in German, translation: The Sound of Friendship — a new documentary about radio history between the GDR and India.].
भास्कर न्यूज. मधेपुरा में बनी फिल्म की बर्लिन में 19 अक्टूबर को होगी स्क्रिनिंग. मधेपुरा भास्कर, 12.10.2021 [in Hindi, translation: Bhaskar News. Film Made in Madhepura Will Be Screened in Berlin on October 19. Madhepura Bhaskar, 12.10.2021].
Reporter. 19 अक्टूबर को बर्लिन में होगी फ़िल्म द साउंड ऑफ फ्रेंडशिप…… दैनिक जनमत न्यूज़, 07.10.2021 [in Hindi, translation: Reporter. Screening of The Sound of Friendship in Berlin on October 19,2021. Dainik Janmat News, 07.10.2021].