The film pre­miered on 19.10. in the hal­lowed halls of the Funkhaus — the erst­while seat of Radio Berlin Inter­na­tion­al (RBI) — which made the fol­low­ing podi­um dis­cus­sion and Q&A with the direc­tor and for­mer employ­ees of RBI all the more special.

See here for more infor­ma­tion on the film.

See below for some impres­sions from the pre­miere as well as press coverage.

Next Screening

Time: 21.11.2021, 18:00

Place: lokal, Königsstraße 4, 15377 Buck­ow (Märkische Schweiz)


2G rules apply (only vac­ci­nat­ed or recov­ered per­sons may attend). 

The film’s spo­ken lan­guages are Ger­man and Hin­di with Eng­lish subtitles.

The screening’s poster (in German)

Impressions from the premiere

A former employee of RBI is standing up, telling a story. She is surrounded by three other former employees as well as the editor of the film, all of them seated.
A former employee of RBI during the podium discussion, seated

Press coverage

Gouri Shar­ma. The radio sta­tion at the heart of an India-GDR friend­ship. Al Jazeera, 09.01.2022.

Lena Her­zog, Anan­di­ta Baj­pai. Radio’s Warm Wave­lengths in the Cold War. ‘The Sound of Friend­ship’ Film Screen­ing, 19 Octo­ber 2021, Funkhaus Berlin. ZMO Bul­letin 40, Dezem­ber 2021, p. 8–9.

शहंशाह आलम. हाशिए पर धकेले गये लोगों को जोड़ने वाला रेडियो. प्रभात खबर, पटना, 03.12.2021 [in Hin­di, trans­la­tion: Sha­han­shah Ala­ma. Radio con­nect­ing the mar­gin­al­ized. Prab­hat Khabar, Pat­na, 03.12.2021].

शहंशाह आलम. भारत-जर्मन संबंधों पर आधारित फिल्म ‘द साउंड आफ फे्रंडशिप..’. देशबन्धु समाचार, 28.11.2021 [in Hin­di, trans­la­tion: Sha­han­shah Ala­ma. The Sound of Friend­ship: A film on India-GDR rela­tions, Inter­view with the pro­tag­o­nist of the film, Arvind Sri­vas­ta­va. Desh­band­hu Samachar, 28.11.2021].

Warme Wellen­län­gen im Kalten Krieg. Das Hin­di-Pro­gramm des DDR-Aus­land­srund­funks. Poli­tik & Kul­tur. Zeitung des Deutschen Kul­tur­rates, Novem­ber 2021, p. 31 [in Ger­man, trans­la­tion: Warm wave­lengths in the Cold War. The GDR for­eign broadcaster’s Hin­di pro­gram. Poli­tik & Kul­tur. Zeitung des Deutschen Kul­tur­rates, Novem­ber 2021, p. 31].

Der Klang der Fre­und­schaft – ein neuer Doku­men­tarfilm über Radi­ogeschichte zwis­chen der DDR und Indi­en. [in Ger­man, trans­la­tion: The Sound of Friend­ship — a new doc­u­men­tary about radio his­to­ry between the GDR and India.].

भास्कर न्यूज. मधेपुरा में बनी फिल्म की बर्लिन में 19 अक्टूबर को होगी स्क्रिनिंग. मधेपुरा भास्कर, 12.10.2021 [in Hin­di, trans­la­tion: Bhaskar News. Film Made in Mad­hep­u­ra Will Be Screened in Berlin on Octo­ber 19. Mad­hep­u­ra Bhaskar, 12.10.2021].

Reporter. 19 अक्टूबर को बर्लिन में होगी फ़िल्म द साउंड ऑफ फ्रेंडशिप…… दैनिक जनमत न्यूज़, 07.10.2021 [in Hin­di, trans­la­tion: Reporter. Screen­ing of The Sound of Friend­ship in Berlin on Octo­ber 19,2021. Dainik Jan­mat News, 07.10.2021].