The Sound of Fri­end­ship: Warm Wave­lengths in a Cold, Cold War?

A Film on Radio Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal in India

A Film by: Anan­di­ta Baj­pai
Fea­turing: Arvind Sri­vas­tav, Frie­de­mann Schlen­der, Mahe­sh Jha, Sabi­ne Imhof
Editing and Came­ra (Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny): Dani­el Gatz­ma­ga
Co-wri­ting and Came­ra (Mad­he­pura, India): Jyothi­das Kel­am­bath Vadakkina


The docu­men­ta­ry film ‘The Sound of Fri­end­ship’ traces the tra­jec­to­ry of Radio Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal (RBI), a GDR based inter­na­tio­nal radio broad­cas­ter, from the per­spec­ti­ve of its jour­na­lists and lis­ten­ers, based in pre­sent day Ger­ma­ny and India. The film is a sto­ry of the radio station’s Hin­di Pro­gram­me aired from 1967–1990. It takes view­ers from loca­les in Ber­lin, whe­re the sta­ti­on was loca­ted, to Mad­he­pura, Bihar in India whe­re a Lis­ten­ers’ Club cal­led the Lenin Club was acti­ve. How were trans­na­tio­nal ties of fri­end­ship per­for­med among actors from India and the GDR through the sonic medi­um of short waves during the Cold War? How are tho­se ties remem­be­red today, 30 years after the shut­down of the station?
