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(Workshop) Nodes of Translation: Rethinking Modern Intellectual History between South Asia and Germany

Nodes of Trans­la­tion: Rethink­ing Mod­ern Intel­lec­tu­al His­to­ry between South Asia and Ger­many7–9 July 2022The Cen­tre for Mod­ern Indi­an Stud­ies (CeMIS), Georg-August-Uni­ver­sität Göt­tin­gen Work­shop reg­is­tra­tion: The work­shop exam­ines the trans­la­tion of key Ger­man texts into the mod­ern lan­guages of India and trans­la­tions from the clas­si­cal and ver­nac­u­lar lan­guages of South Asia into Ger­man. Our key […]

Workshop ‘Benjamin Schultze‘s dialogue book on Madras. A critical approach to a cultural-historical missionary source’

01. & 02.03.2022 Work­shop organ­ised by MIDA, (Das Mod­erne Indi­en in Deutschen Archiv­en) in Coop­er­a­tion with the Franck­esche Stiftun­gen, Halle. Intro­duc­tion Ben­jamin Schultze (1689–1760) was one of the most pro­lif­ic, but also most con­tro­ver­sial mis­sion­ar­ies of the Dan­ish Eng­lish-Halle Mis­sion, which worked in South India in the 18th and ear­ly 19th cen­tu­ry. His con­ver­sa­tion book »The […]

Film screenings — The Sound of Friendship: Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War, a film by Anandita Bajpai, 19.10. & 21.11.2021

The film pre­miered on 19.10. in the hal­lowed halls of the Funkhaus — the erst­while seat of Radio Berlin Inter­na­tion­al (RBI) — which made the fol­low­ing podi­um dis­cus­sion and Q&A with the direc­tor and for­mer employ­ees of RBI all the more spe­cial. See here for more infor­ma­tion on the film. See below for some impres­sions from […]

Colloquium: Asian Industrialism, Labour Movements and Cultural Nationalism: Interwar contexts of German trade-union writings on “Working India”. By Prof. Dr. Ravi Ahuja. (Jan 19, 2021)

Depart­ment of Mod­ern South Asian His­to­ry Col­lo­qui­um Asian Indus­tri­al­ism, Labour Move­ments and Cul­tur­al Nation­al­ism: Inter­war con­texts of Ger­man trade-union writ­ings on “Work­ing India” Prof. Dr. Ravi Ahu­ja The 1920s saw a flur­ry of Euro­pean trade-union del­e­ga­tions head­ing towards Asia. Among them was a joint del­e­ga­tion of British and Ger­man tex­tile work­ers’ unions that vis­it­ed India’s indus­tri­al districts […]

Coming soon: The Sound of Friendship: Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War? (Film)

The Sound of Friend­ship: Warm Wave­lengths in a Cold, Cold War? A Film on Radio Berlin Inter­na­tion­al in India A Film by: Anan­di­ta Baj­paiFea­tur­ing: Arvind Sri­vas­tav, Friede­mann Schlen­der, Mahesh Jha, Sabine ImhofEdit­ing and Cam­era (Berlin, Ger­many): Daniel Gatz­­ma­­ga­Co-writ­ing and Cam­era (Mad­hep­u­ra, India): Jyoth­idas Kelam­bath Vadakki­na Descrip­tion: The doc­u­men­tary film ‘The Sound of Friend­ship’ traces the tra­jec­to­ry of Radio […]

Das moderne Indien in deutschen Archiven (MIDA): Launch des Online-Archivportals (Veranstaltungsankündigung)

Fre­itag, 10. Mai 2019, 16 Uhr.Leib­niz-Zen­trum Mod­ern­er Ori­ent, Kirch­weg 33, 14129 Berlin. MIDA ist ein von der Deutschen Forschungs­ge­mein­schaft (DFG) gefördertes Langfristvorhaben(Beginn 11/2014) unter Beteili­gung des Cen­tre for Mod­ern Indi­an Stud­ies (CeMIS), Göt­tin­gen, des Insti­tuts für Asien- und Afrikawis­senschaften (IAAW) der Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin sowie des Leib­niz-Zen­trums Mod­ern­er Ori­ent (ZMO) Berlin. Sein Anliegen ist die […]

Workshop: Eine Sozialgeschichte des Alltags von Deutschen in der kolonialen Gesellschaft Indiens des “langen” 18. Jahrhunderts (12.–13. Dezember 2019)

Am 12.–13. Dezem­ber 2019 in Göt­tin­gen. Schon an der europäis­chen Expan­sion des 15./16. Jahrhun­derts nach Asien waren Deutsche beteiligt: Han­delshäuser wie die Welser und Fug­ger ermöglicht­en den Por­tugiesen finanzielle Unter­stützung für die Indi­en­reisen und ab 1502/03 nah­men Deutsche unmit­tel­bar daran teil. Mit dem Aufkom­men der ver­schiede­nen europäis­chen Ostin­di­enkom­panien ver­stärk­te sich diese Entwick­lung und ger­ade im 18. […]