After sev­er­al suc­cess­ful pri­vate screen­ings in Ger­many and India and very pos­i­tive feed­back in the inter­na­tion­al press, we are hap­py to announce that the film is now also being shown to an Amer­i­can audience.

On the 8th of Sep­tem­ber, 2022, a pri­vate screen­ing of the film fol­lowed by a Q&A ses­sion with Anan­di­ta Baj­pai, the film’s direc­tor, kicked off a sem­i­nar enti­tled “Hid­den South Asian Archives” held at the South Asia Insti­tute of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at Austin and con­vened by Kam­ran Asdar Ali, Syed Akbar Hyder and Mary Rader.

The announce­ment of the pri­vate screein­ing in Austin, Texas.