01. & 02.03.2022

Work­shop orga­ni­siert von MIDA, (Das Moder­ne Indi­en in Deut­schen Archi­ven) in Koope­ra­ti­on mit Fran­cke­sche Stif­tun­gen, Halle.


Ben­ja­min Schult­ze (1689–1760) was one of the most pro­li­fic, but also most con­tro­ver­si­al mis­sio­na­ries of the Danish Eng­lish-Hal­le Mis­si­on, which work­ed in South India in the 18th and ear­ly 19th cen­tu­ry. His con­ver­sa­ti­on book »The Lar­ge And Renow­ned Town Of The Eng­lish Nati­on In The East-Indies Upon The Coast Of Coro­man­del, Madras Or Fort St. Geor­ge, […]« was ori­gi­nal­ly writ­ten in Eng­lish and Telugu (in 1730). Later, in 1750, it appeared in two prin­ted ver­si­ons, one with a Ger­man, the other with an Eng­lish text. The work­shop approa­ches this mis­sio­na­ry source com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly from dif­fe­rent disci­pli­na­ry per­spec­ti­ves and explo­res the poten­ti­al of a cri­ti­cal source-rela­ted publi­ca­ti­on. It is orga­ni­zed within the DFG-fun­ded long term pro­ject Modern India in Ger­man Archi­ves in coope­ra­ti­on with the Fran­cke Foun­da­ti­ons in Hal­le (www.francke-halle.de/en).

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Dr. Tobi­as Delfs (HU Ber­lin) tobias.delfs[at]hu-berlin.de
Dr. Hei­ke Liebau (ZMO Ber­lin) heike.liebau[at]zmo.de