Dr. des. Razak Khan

Dr. Razak Khan

Ehe­ma­li­ger wis­sen­schaft­li­cher Mitarbeiter


Wald­weg 26
37073 Göt­tin­gen


Dr. Razak Khan ist Post­dok­to­rand in der For­schungs­grup­pe “Moder­ne Indi­sche Geschich­te“ am CeMIS, die von Prof. Ravi Ahu­ja gelei­tet wird. Razak Khan stu­dier­te moder­ne indi­sche Geschich­te an der Uni­ver­si­tät Delhi und wur­de im Jahr 2014 er an der Ber­lin Gra­dua­te School of Mus­lim Cul­tures and Socie­ties (BGSMCS) and der Frei­en Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin pro­mo­viert. Anschlie­ßend forsch­te er als Post­dok­to­rand am Zen­trum für die Geschich­te der Gefüh­le am Max-Planck-Insti­tut für Bil­dungs­for­schung in Ber­lin sowie am Erlan­gen Cent­re for Islam and Law in Euro­pe (EZIRE) an der Friedrich–Alexander Uni­ver­si­ty Erlangen–Nürnberg. Sei­ne For­schungs­in­ter­es­sen umfas­sen die Prin­ce­ly Sta­tes im kolo­nia­len Indi­en, Urban Stu­dies, Kul­tur­ge­schich­te und Archi­ve des Urdu, Geschich­te der Gefüh­le, ver­glei­chen­de deutsch-indi­sche Geschich­te und glo­ba­le Geis­tes­ge­schich­te. Sein Habi­li­ta­ti­ons­pro­jekt trägt den Titel “Poli­tics of Edu­ca­ti­on, Islam and Natio­nal Inte­gra­ti­on in the Life and Wri­tin­gs of Syed Abid Husain (1896–1978)” und unter­sucht die ver­floch­te­ne Geschich­te des mus­li­mi­schen und deutsch-jüdi­schen Intel­lek­tua­lis­mus. Sein ers­tes Buch „Mino­ri­ty Pas­ts: Loca­li­ty, Emo­ti­ons and Belon­ging in Ram­pur“ wird 2021 bei Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press erscheinen.


Sei­ne For­schungs­in­ter­es­sen umfas­sen: die indi­schen Fürs­ten­staa­ten, Urdu-Stu­di­en, regio­na­le öffent­li­che Kul­tu­ren sowie die Geis­tes­ge­schich­te von Min­der­hei­ten in Indi­en und Deutschland.


Place of Know­ledge: Edu­ca­ti­on and Urban Histo­ry in Ram­pur.” Max Weber Stif­tung India Branch Office and GHI Lon­don Edu­ca­ti­on and the Urban in India | Working Paper Series 2021/8.

Minor Cos­mo­po­li­ta­nisms: Insti­tu­ti­ons, Intellec­tu­als and Ide­as bet­ween India and
Ger­ma­ny.” Com­pa­ra­ti­ve Stu­dies in South Asia, Afri­ca, and the Midd­le East, (2020) 40 (2): 291–294.

Ent­an­gle­ments of Trans­la­ti­on: Psy­cho­lo­gy, Pedago­gy and Youth Reform in Ger­man and
Urdu.” Com­pa­ra­ti­ve Stu­dies in South Asia, Afri­ca, and the Midd­le East (2020) 40 (2): 295–308.

Iqbal, Ger­man Ori­en­ta­lism and Making of Modern Mys­ti­cism.” Schi­rin Amir-Moaza­mi eds.
Ori­en­ta­lism at 50. TRAFO, Series, Ber­lin. 3 August 2020.

Know­ledge in Tran­sit: Glo­bal Encoun­ters and Trans­for­ma­ti­on in Magnus Hirschfeld´s Tra­ve­lo­gue.” Histo­ry of Know­ledge Blog, 6 Novem­ber 2019.

A Fes­ti­val Extra­or­di­naire: An Indo-Isla­mic Poem.” Poet­ry in the Indo-Isla­mic Mill­en­ni­um Blog Post, 24 Febru­ary 2019.

Co-Aut­ho­red Book Chap­ter. “Tra­ve­lers: Trans­for­ma­ti­ve Jour­neys and Emo­tio­nal Cont­acts”. In
Ben­no Gam­merl, Phil­ipp Niel­sen, and Mar­git Per­n­au eds. Encoun­ters with Emo­ti­ons: Nego­tia­ting Cul­tu­ral Dif­fe­ren­ces sin­ce Ear­ly Moder­ni­ty. Berg­hahn Books, July 2019.

Ent­an­gled Insti­tu­tio­nal and Affec­ti­ve Archi­ves of South Asi­an Mus­lim Stu­dents in Ger­ma­ny.“ MIDA Online Post, 2019.

Ent­an­gled Ide­as: K. M Ashraf and New Indo­lo­gy in the Ger­man Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic.“ MIDA Online Post, 2018.

Prin­ce­ly Archi­tec­tu­ral Cos­mo­po­li­ta­nism and Urba­ni­ty in Ram­pur.“ Glo­bal Urban Histo­ry Blog, 5
August, 2017.

Poe­tic Sove­reig­n­ty“ Biblio: A Review of Books, Oct-Dec, 2017.

Rethin­king „Natio­nal Cul­tu­re“ of India: An Ent­an­gled Indo-Ger­man Intellec­tu­al Histo­ry.“ TRAFO – Blog for Trans­re­gio­nal Rese­arch, 16.01.2017.

The Social Pro­duc­tion of Space and Emo­ti­ons in South Asia.“ Jour­nal of Eco­no­mic and Social
Histo­ry of the Ori­ent, Volu­me 58, Issue 5, 2015, 611–633.

Local Pas­ts: Space, Emo­ti­ons and Iden­ti­ties in Ver­na­cu­lar His­to­ries of Prin­ce­ly Ram­pur.“ Jour­nal of the Eco­no­mic and Social Histo­ry of the Ori­ent, Volu­me 58, Issue 5, 2015. 693–731.

The Case of Fal­ling Walls: Poli­tics of Demo­li­ti­on and Pre­ser­va­ti­on in Ram­pur,“ Eco­no­mic and
Poli­ti­cal Weekly, Vol – XLIX No. 12, March 22, 2014, Web exclu­si­ve. Repu­blished in EPW, Vol. 49, Issue No.20, May 17, 2014, 25–28.

Reco­ve­ring Mino­ri­ty Pas­ts: New Wri­tin­gs on Mus­lims in South Asia,” South Asia Chro­nic­le, 2, 2012, 375–397.

Rethin­king Mus­lim Poli­tics: The Ram­pu­ri Expe­ri­ence,“ Eco­no­mic and Poli­ti­cal Weekly, Vol. 44, No. 25, 20 June 2009, 16–18.