Die Veranstaltung Film screening: Post-Socialist Kinship across Space and Time bietet eine weitere Gelegenheit, Anandita Bajpais Film „The Sound of Friendship: Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War“ in Berlin zu sehen.
Ort: nGbK am Alex, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 11/13, 10178 Berlin
Datum: Samstag, 14. Oktober 2023
Zeit: 16:00 – 18:00
Veranstalter:in: neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst
Filmscreenings, Gespräche und gemeinsames Essen
mit Anandita Bajpai, Sarnt Utamachote und den Mitwirkenden von House of Kal
➔ Sonic Reverbs (Sarnt Utamachote, 2021, 22 mins)
➔ The Sound of Friendship (Anandita Bajpai 2020, 65 mins)
Nach den Screenings lädt die nGbK-Arbeitsgruppe House of Kal zu Gesprächen und Austausch ein. Zum Abendessen (ab 17:30 Uhr) wird ein ostdeutsch-ostbengalisches Fusionsgericht auf Spendenbasis serviert.
Invoking the ubiquitous radical film clubs of multiple progressive film movements across countries of the global south, House of Kal showcases two films about radical political intimacies across time, carried through sonic waves of radio and music.
House of Kal opens their doors to friends, families and stories of comradeships and imperfect solidarities, between historical and contemporary Germany and the Global South. The Sound of Friendship: Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War (2020, Dir: Anandita Bajpai) and Sonic Reverbs (2021, Dir: Sarnt Utamachote), tell stories of left internationalism, postsocialism and friendship in contemporary queer migrant perspectives.
The film evening is accompanied by a fusion meal of East German and East Bengali food, cooked by two carers of House of Kal who grew up under communist rule in two very different homes, and found intimacy, love and pleasure in recreating the cuisines of their childhood together as friends. During this evening, Suza and Pro cook their way out of the austerity impulses of their political and cultural backgrounds (and the current moment) – the GDR and post-Partition East Bengali households carrying memories of famines – to the stunning audiovisuals of postsocialist and postmigrant stories of comradeship.
4 – 5.30 PM: Joint screenings of The Sound of Friendship: Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War (2020, Dir: Anandita Bajpai) and Sonic Reverbs (2021, Dir: Sarnt Utamachote)
5.30 PM: Conversation and sharing during dinner
*An East German/East Bengal dinner will be served (a suggested spende/donation from 5–15 euros, depending on capacity is recommended)