Die Ver­an­stal­tung Film scree­ning: Post-Socia­list Kin­ship across Space and Time bie­tet eine wei­te­re Gele­gen­heit, Anan­di­ta Baj­pais Film „The Sound of Fri­end­ship: Warm Wave­lengths in a Cold, Cold War“ in Ber­lin zu sehen.

Ort: nGbK am Alex, Karl-Lieb­knecht-Stra­ße 11/13, 10178 Berlin

Datum: Sams­tag, 14. Okto­ber 2023

Zeit: 16:00 – 18:00

Veranstalter:in: neue Gesell­schaft für bil­den­de Kunst

Film­scree­nings, Gesprä­che und gemein­sa­mes Essen
mit Anan­di­ta Baj­pai, Sarnt Utamacho­te und den Mit­wir­ken­den von House of Kal

➔ Sonic Reverbs (Sarnt Utamacho­te, 2021, 22 mins)
➔ The Sound of Fri­end­ship (Anan­di­ta Baj­pai 2020, 65 mins)

Nach den Scree­nings lädt die nGbK-Arbeits­grup­pe House of Kal zu Gesprä­chen und Aus­tausch ein. Zum Abend­essen (ab 17:30 Uhr) wird ein ost­deutsch-ost­ben­ga­li­sches Fusi­ons­ge­richt auf Spen­den­ba­sis serviert.

Invo­king the ubi­qui­tous radi­cal film clubs of mul­ti­ple pro­gres­si­ve film move­ments across count­ries of the glo­bal south, House of Kal show­ca­ses two films about radi­cal poli­ti­cal inti­maci­es across time, car­ri­ed through sonic waves of radio and music. 

House of Kal opens their doors to fri­ends, fami­lies and sto­ries of com­ra­de­ships and imper­fect soli­da­ri­ties, bet­ween his­to­ri­cal and con­tem­po­ra­ry Ger­ma­ny and the Glo­bal South. The Sound of Fri­end­ship: Warm Wave­lengths in a Cold, Cold War (2020, Dir: Anan­di­ta Baj­pai) and Sonic Reverbs (2021, Dir: Sarnt Utamacho­te), tell sto­ries of left inter­na­tio­na­lism, post­so­cia­lism and fri­end­ship in con­tem­po­ra­ry que­er migrant perspectives.

The film evening is accom­pa­nied by a fusi­on meal of East Ger­man and East Ben­ga­li food, coo­ked by two carers of House of Kal who grew up under com­mu­nist rule in two very dif­fe­rent homes, and found inti­ma­cy, love and plea­su­re in recrea­ting the cui­sines of their child­hood tog­e­ther as fri­ends. During this evening, Suza and Pro cook their way out of the austeri­ty impul­ses of their poli­ti­cal and cul­tu­ral back­grounds (and the cur­rent moment) – the GDR and post-Par­ti­ti­on East Ben­ga­li house­holds car­ry­ing memo­ries of fami­nes – to the stun­ning audio­vi­su­als of post­so­cia­list and post­mi­grant sto­ries of comradeship. 

4 – 5.30 PM: Joint scree­nings of The Sound of Fri­end­ship: Warm Wave­lengths in a Cold, Cold War (2020, Dir: Anan­di­ta Baj­pai) and Sonic Reverbs (2021, Dir: Sarnt Utamachote) 

5.30 PM: Con­ver­sa­ti­on and sha­ring during dinner

*An East German/East Ben­gal din­ner will be ser­ved (a sug­gested spende/donation from 5–15 euros, depen­ding on capa­ci­ty is recommended)