Anandita Bajpai, Wissenschafltiche Mitarbeiterin bei MIDA

Dr. Anan­di­ta Bajpai



Kirch­weg 33
14129 Ber­lin


Positionen / Qualifikationen

Seit 11/2020      Rese­arch Fel­low, Leib­niz-Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent, Berlin

09/2019 – 10/2020      Mut­ter­schutz

11/2017 – 10/2020      Assistant Pro­fes­sor, Depart­ment of South Asi­an Stu­dies, Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin and Rese­arch Fel­low at Leib­niz-Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent, Berlin.

11/2015 – 10/2017      Post-Doc­to­ral Fel­low, DFG-Fun­ded Rese­arch Pro­ject ‘Modern India in Ger­man Archi­ves, 1706–1989’ (Moder­nes Indi­en in deut­schen Archi­ven, 1706–1989), Leib­niz-Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent (ZMO), Berlin.

11/2014 – 10/2015      Post-Doc­to­ral Fel­low, DFG-Fun­ded Rese­arch Pro­ject ‘Modern India in Ger­man Archi­ves, 1706–1989’ at the Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin (50%) and Leib­niz-Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent, Ber­lin (50%).


Seit 2019      Edi­tor (with Dr. Hei­ke Liebau) of the MIDA Archi­val Refle­xi­con, an open-access online Archi­val Gui­de, which is a plat­form for theo­re­ti­cal and con­cep­tu­al reflec­tions on archi­val architectures/organizing logics as well as the­ma­tic con­tri­bu­ti­ons on India-rela­ted hol­dings of spe­ci­fic Ger­man archi­ves and MIDA The­ma­tic Resources

Seit 2016      The­sis super­vi­si­on of BA and MA stu­dents’ the­ses at the Insti­tu­te for  Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Berlin.

2017 – 2019      Mem­ber of Edi­to­ri­al Board, South Asia Chro­nic­le, a bilin­gu­al open-access journal.

2017 – 2019      Orga­nis­ed the Hum­boldt India Pro­ject (HIP) Work­shops and HIP Lec­tures at the Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies (4 work­shops every aca­de­mic year).

2012 – 2019      Regu­lar tea­ching. Cour­ses offe­red for BA (in Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies) and MA (Modern South- and Sou­the­ast Asi­an Stu­dies, Glo­bal Stu­dies Pro­gram­me) at Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Berlin

2009 – 2012      Regu­lar tea­ching. BA (Depart­ments of Socio­lo­gy and Indo­lo­gy) and MA (Eras­mus Mun­dus Glo­bal Stu­dies) Leip­zig Universität.

Fort­lau­fend      Habi­li­ta­ti­on (in pre­pa­ra­ti­on of the Ger­man Pro­fes­so­ri­al Exam): Ent­an­gled Pre­sen­ces: Cul­tu­ral Actors, sites and prac­ti­ces in India and the Ger­man Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic during the Cold War


2014      PhD, Glo­bal Stu­dies, Facul­ty of Social Sci­en­ces and Phi­lo­so­phy, Leip­zig Uni­ver­si­tät, The­sis ‘Spea­king’ the Nati­on: (E)merging faces of eco­no­mic reforms and secu­la­rism in the rhe­to­ric of India’s Prime Minis­ters, 1991–2011’

2006 – 2008      MA Eras­mus Mun­dus Glo­bal Stu­dies, Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na and Leip­zig University

2002 – 2006      BA Poli­ti­cal Sci­ence (Hono­urs), Delhi University

Auszeichnungen und Stipendien

DAAD ‘A New Pas­sa­ge to India’ Scho­lar­ship, 2014, visi­ting rese­ar­cher to the Cent­re for Eco­no­mic Stu­dies and Plan­ning, Jawa­harlal Neh­ru Uni­ver­si­ty, New Delhi.

DAAD Scho­lar­ship Doc­to­ral Stu­dies, 2009–2013.

Eras­mus Mun­dus Scho­lar­ship, Euro­pean Uni­on, 2006–2008, for pur­suing MA in Glo­bal Stu­dies (Uni­ver­si­ties of Leip­zig and Vienna)

Geeta Chop­ra Memo­ri­al Scho­lar­ship, 2006, for hol­ding first posi­ti­on in BA Poli­ti­cal Sci­ence (Hono­urs) (2003–06), Jesus and Mary Col­lege, Uni­ver­si­ty of Delhi.


Das For­schungs­pro­jekt „Ver­floch­te­ne Wel­len­län­gen. Deut­sche Aus­lands­rund­funk­diens­te im Kal­ten Krieg in Indi­en 1964–1990“ unter­sucht die Ver­flech­tun­gen der kul­tu­rel­len, poli­ti­schen und affek­ti­ven radio­pho­ni­schen Reper­toires der bei­den deut­schen Aus­lands­rund­funk­diens­te Radio Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal aus der DDR und Deut­sche Wel­le aus der Bun­des­re­pu­blik Deutsch­land (BRD) wäh­rend der Jah­re des Kal­ten Krie­ges in Indi­en. Durch die Kon­zen­tra­ti­on auf die indi­sche Per­spek­ti­ve kann ein reduk­ti­ver Ver­gleich der bei­den kon­kur­rie­ren­den Radio­sen­der ver­mie­den und statt des­sen der Blick auf kom­ple­xe, ein­an­der über­lap­pen­de und mit­ein­an­der ver­schränk­te Zusam­men­hän­ge gerich­tet wer­den. Wie haben indi­sche Akteu­re wäh­rend des Kal­ten Krie­ges auf inter­deut­sche akus­ti­sche Wett­be­werbs­prä­sen­zen im trans­na­tio­na­len Raum der Radio­sen­dun­gen reagiert, von ihnen pro­fi­tiert und sie sogar mit­ge­stal­tet? Das Pro­jekt unter­sucht die affek­ti­ven (Zwischen)-Räume aus Stim­men, Ohren und pos­ta­li­schem Feed­back zwi­schen den Mikro­fo­nen in Bonn und Ost-Ber­lin und loka­len Radio­sets in Indi­en. Es ver­folgt trans­lo­ka­le Ver­läu­fe (Tra­jek­to­ri­en) der Ver­flech­tun­gen zwi­schen Akteu­ren aus DDRBRD und Indi­en und fragt, wie Kurz­wel­len die Vor­stel­lun­gen der Zuhö­rer im suburbanen/ländlichen Indi­en von geleb­tem loka­lem Inter­na­tio­na­lis­mus beein­fluss­ten. Radio-Fan­clubs bezo­gen Stel­lung zu inter­na­tio­na­ler Poli­tik  in einer vom Kal­ten Krieg geschüt­tel­ten Welt, indem sie sich mit der einen oder ande­ren Stim­me soli­da­ri­sier­ten. Das Pro­jekt ist in mehr­fa­cher Hin­sicht inter­dis­zi­pli­när: Es mobi­li­siert sowohl his­to­ri­sche als auch anthro­po­lo­gi­sche Metho­den ein­schließ­lich archi­va­li­scher, oral his­to­ri­scher und eth­no­gra­phi­scher For­schung. Es ver­bin­det theo­re­ti­sche Debat­ten aus den Berei­chen der Geschich­te des Kal­ten Krie­ges, der Geschich­te der Emo­tio­nen und einer his­to­ri­schen Anthro­po­lo­gie der mate­ri­el­len Kultur.


Monografien / Sammelbände

  • (Ed.) Cor­di­al Cold War: Cul­tu­ral Actors in India and the Ger­man Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic, Octo­ber 2021. Lon­don, New Delhi, et. al.: Sage Publi­ca­ti­ons. Open-Access:
  • Spea­king’ the Nati­on: The Ora­to­ri­cal Making of Secu­lar, Neo-libe­ral India. New Delhi: Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2018.
  • The Catho­lic Church as an Edu­ca­ti­on Pro­vi­der in Puer­to Rico 1948–1960VDM Publishers, 2009.

Kapitel / Artikel in Sammelbänden / Journals

  • Fri­end­ship through Ether Waves: Radio Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal and its Lis­tening Publics in India“, Inter­na­tio­na­le For­schungs­stel­le DDR, 4 Octo­ber 2023, 16 pp. Available at:
  • Mate­ri­al Lives of Cold War Radio Pas­ts in India“, His­to­ri­cal Jour­nal of Film, Radio and Tele­vi­si­on, 2023, 34 pp. DOI: 10.1080/01439685.2023.2256128
  • ‘Mat­ters of the Heart’: The Sen­ti­men­tal Indi­an Prime Minis­ter on All India Radio”, in: Bar­ba­ra Chris­to­phe, Chris­to­phe Kohl, Hei­ke Liebau, and Achim Sau­pe (eds.), The Poli­tics of Authen­ti­ci­ty and Popu­list Dis­cour­ses: Media and Edu­ca­ti­on in Bra­zil, India and Ukrai­ne. Octo­ber 2021. New Delhi: Pal­gra­ve Macmillan. 
  • Cor­di­al Cold War: Actors, Sites and Prac­ti­ces of Cul­tu­ral Ent­an­gle­ment”, in: Baj­pai, A (ed.), Cor­di­al Cold War: Cul­tu­ral Actors in India and the Ger­man Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic, Octo­ber 2021. Lon­don, New Delhi, et. al.: Sage Publications.
  • Warm Wave­lengths: Radio Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal in India during the Cold War”, in: Baj­pai, A (ed.), Cor­di­al Cold War: Cul­tu­ral Actors in India and the Ger­man Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic, Octo­ber 2021. Lon­don, New Delhi, et. al.: Sage Publications.
  • Making the New Indi­an Citi­zen in times of the Jawan (Sol­dier) and the Kisan (Far­mer), 1962–65”, in: K. Brom­ber and J. Kreis (eds.) Spe­cial Issue, “Sha­ping the New Man in Afri­ca, Asia and the Midd­le East: Prac­ti­ces, Net­works and Mobi­liza­ti­on (1940s-1960s)”, Com­pa­ra­tiv, 28 (5): 2018, pp. 97–120.
  • Von Kennt­nis zur Aner­ken­nung: Freund­schafts­ge­sell­schaf­ten an der Schnitt­stel­le poli­ti­scher und kul­tu­rel­ler Bezie­hun­gen zwi­schen Indi­en und der DDR, 1952–1972”, in: Klein­schmidt, C. and Zieg­ler, D. (eds.), Deut­sche Außen­po­li­tik und Außen­wirt­schafts­be­zie­hun­gen im Zeit­al­ter des Kal­ten Krie­ges, 2018. Ber­lin: De Gruy­ter, pp. 211–230.
  • Revi­si­ting Par­ti­ti­on Seven­ty Years Later: Of Laye­red Echo­es, Voices and Memo­ries”, Spe­cial Issue Edi­tor, South Asia Chro­nic­le, 7: 2017 (with Maria Fram­ke), pp. 1–20.
  • Baj­pai, A., “Intro­du­cing the MIDA Archi­val Refle­xi­con: Objec­ti­ves and New Ave­nues”MIDA Archi­val Refle­xi­con, 2018.
  • Baj­pai, A., „Tra­cing, Cata­lo­guing, Index­ing: Reflec­tions on the Joa­chim and Petra Heid­rich papers in the Leib­niz-Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent Archi­ve”MIDA Archi­val Refle­xi­con, 2018.
  • Baj­pai, A., Heymann, J. and Suski, T., “Tra­cing India in Ger­man Archi­ves: Ent­an­gled Pas­ts in the age of Digi­tal Huma­ni­ties” in: South Asia Chro­nic­le, 6: 2016, pp. 289–314.
  • Spea­king’ the Nati­on Secu­lar: (E)merging Faces of India”, in: Buchardt, M., Mid­dell, M., Wohl­rahb Sahr, M. (eds.), Mul­ti­ple Secu­la­ri­ties Bey­ond the West: Reli­gi­on and Moder­ni­ty in the Glo­bal Age, 2015. Ber­lin: De Gruy­ter, pp. 39–61.
  • Inau­gu­ral Work­shop of the DFG-spon­so­red Rese­arch Pro­ject Modern India in Ger­man Archi­ves, 1706–1989, in: South Asia Chro­nic­le, 5: 2015, pp. 480–93.
  • Ima­gi­ning a ‘Secu­lar’ India: Roots, Off­shoots and Future Tra­jec­to­ries of the Secu­la­rism Deba­te in India”, in: South Asia Chro­nic­le, 2: 2012, pp. 189–218.
  • Homi K. Bhab­ha”, in: Mathi­as Mid­dell and Ulf Engel (eds.), Theo­re­ti­ker der Glo­ba­li­sie­rung, Leip­zig: Leip­zig Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2010.


Konferenzen / Vorträge (Auswahl)

Orga­ni­sie­rung (Kon­fe­ren­zen und Work­shops) 2018 – 2019

  • Orga­ni­zed the Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence “The Poli­tics of ‘Doing’ Cul­tu­re: Ent­an­gled India and the Ger­man Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic during the Cold War Years, Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin (in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Leib­niz- Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent), Decem­ber 21–22, 2018.
  • Orga­ni­zed the 10th Hum­boldt India Pro­ject (HIP) Lec­tu­re within the HIP Lec­tu­re Series, Guest Spea­k­er Prof. P.R. Kuma­ras­wa­my, Jawa­harlal Neh­ru Uni­ver­si­ty, New Delhi, “Modi Turns West: India and the Per­si­an Gulf”, Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin, Novem­ber 29, 2018.
  • Orga­ni­zed the 27th Inter­na­tio­nal Hum­boldt India Pro­ject (HIP) Work­shop, with invi­ted spea­k­ers from Kath­man­du, Ber­lin, New Delhi and Pots­dam, Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin, Decem­ber 7, 2018.
  • Orga­ni­zed the 28th Inter­na­tio­nal Hum­boldt India Pro­ject (HIP) Work­shop, with invi­ted spea­k­ers from Göt­tin­gen, Ber­lin and Kan­sas (USA), Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin, Febru­ary 8, 2018.
  • Orga­ni­zed the 29th Inter­na­tio­nal Hum­boldt India Pro­ject (HIP) Work­shop, with invi­ted spea­k­ers from Ber­lin, Dres­den, Väx­jö (Swe­den), Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin, April 26, 2019.
  • Orga­ni­zed the 12th Hum­boldt India Pro­ject (HIP) Lec­tu­re within the HIP Lec­tu­re Series, Guest Spea­k­er Saro­ver Zai­di, Jind­al School of Art and Archi­tec­tu­re, Soni­pat, Harya­na, “Of Fly­o­vers and Mus­lim Mohal­las: Map­ping the poli­ti­cal Hori­zons of Bom­bay”, Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin, June 21, 2019.



  • Warm Wave­lengths: Radio Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal during the Cold War in India, Paper pre­sen­ted at Clo­sed Rea­ding Work­shop of the Emmy Nöther Rease­arch Group, Rea­ching the Peo­p­le: New His­to­ries of Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, Cent­re for Glo­bal Histo­ry, Freie Uni­ver­si­tät, Ber­lin, Janu­ary 11, 2021.
  • Fal­len and Hid­den Icons: Sta­tu­es as Con­tes­ted sites of memo­ry making in India, Paper pre­sen­ted at the Work­shop ‘Con­tes­ted Reli­gious Spaces: Nar­ra­ti­ves as Evi­denc­xe: De-cen­te­ring and Re-Authen­ti­ca­ting Pas­ts for the Future’, ZMO, Novem­ber 30, 2020.
  • Ger­man Archi­ves, Cold War and Media, Paper pre­sen­ted at the Work­shop ‘Deci­de for Yours­elf? GDR News­re­els and their Images of India’, orga­ni­zed by MIDA Pro­ject, ZMO, Ber­lin, Novem­ber 19, 2020.
  • The Indi­an Elec­tions of 2019, Lec­tu­re deli­ver­ed as part of the series ‘Why do Elec­tions Mat­ter?’, Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin and Leib­niz-Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent, Ber­lin, June 3, 2019.
  • From Nati­on Buil­ding to Nati­on Bran­ding: The arc of Nationalism(s) and Natio­nal Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons in India, Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin, May 28, 2019.
  • India rela­ted hol­dings in the Ger­man Archi­val Land­scape, Paper pre­sen­ted at the Inter­na­tio­nal Work­shop Cul­tures of Archi­val Rese­arch in India and Ger­ma­ny, Mar­burg Uni­ver­si­ty, Mar­burg and Ber­lin, May 15–21, 2019.
  • Intro­du­cing the MIDA Archi­val Refle­xi­con, Pre­sen­ta­ti­on at the Launch of the MIDA Pro­ject, Leib­niz- Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent, May 11, 2019.
  • The Sound of Fri­end­ship: Warm Wave­lengths of Radio Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal during the Cold War in India, Lec­tu­re deli­ver­ed at the Cent­re for Con­cur­ren­ces in Colo­ni­al and Post­co­lo­ni­al Stu­dies, Lin­nae­us Uni­ver­si­ty, Väx­jö, Swe­den, April 11, 2019.
  • Ola India! Navi­ga­ting trust and dis/mistrust with India’s new Taxi App, Paper pre­sen­ted at Inter­na­tio­nal Work­shop Gover­nan­ce and Pro­ces­ses of Bureau­cra­tiza­ti­on, Leip­zig, Janu­ary 31-Febru­ary 1, 2019.
  • Mann Ki Baat (Mat­ters of the Heart): The Affec­ti­ve-Sen­ti­men­tal Indi­an Prime Minis­ter on All India Radio, Paper pre­sen­ted at Inter­na­tio­nal Work­shop Popu­list Dis­cour­se and Claims to Authen­ti­ci­ty in Bra­zil, India and Ukrai­ne, Braun­schweig, Novem­ber 8–9, 2018.
  • Spea­king the Nati­on: The Ora­to­ri­cal Making of Secu­lar, Neo-libe­ral India, Lec­tu­re at Jind­al Glo­bal Law School, O.P. Jind­al Uni­ver­si­ty, Soni­pat, India, Sep­tem­ber 18, 2018.
  • Spea­king the Nati­on: The Ora­to­ri­cal Making of Secu­lar India, Lec­tu­re at Jesus and Mary Col­lege, Delhi Uni­ver­si­ty, India, Sep­tem­ber 14, 2018.
  • Spea­king the Nati­on: Prime Minis­ters and the making of neo-libe­ral India sin­ce 1991, Paper pre­sen­ted at the 25th Euro­pean Con­fe­rence on South Asi­an Stu­dies (ECSAS) Paris, France, July 24–27, 2018.

20162017 (Aus­wahl)

  • Who Steers the Wheel? Taxi Dri­vers and bureau­cra­tic Tech­no­lo­gies in Sene­gal and India, Paper pre­sen­ted (with Peter Lam­bertz) at the Insti­tu­te col­lo­qui­um of the Insti­tu­te for Asi­an and Afri­can Stu­dies, Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty, Ber­lin, July, 18, 2017.
  • From Nati­on Buil­ding to Nati­on Bran­ding: Nationalism(s) in India, Public Lec­tu­re deli­ver­ed at the Depart­ment of Social Anthro­po­lo­gy (in con­sor­ti­um with Sans­krit Stu­dies and Indo­lo­gy depart­ments) Mainz Uni­ver­si­ty, within the lec­tu­re series ‘South Asia on the Move’, Mainz, June 12, 2017.
  • Bet­ween East Ber­lin and New Delhi: Mutual­ly Ent­an­gled Tra­jec­to­ries of Uni­ver­si­ty Intellec­tu­als 1952–72, Novem­ber 13, 2016, Histo­ry Depart­ment, New York Uni­ver­si­ty, Abu Dhabi.
  • Sicht­bar wer­den. Um Aner­ken­nung wer­ben: Die ‚Kul­tur­po­li­tik der DDR – Indi­en Bezie­hun­gen, 1952–1972, 51. Deut­scher His­to­ri­ker­tag in Ham­burg 2016, Ver­band der His­to­ri­ker und His­to­ri­ke­rin­nen Deutsch­lands e.V. (VHD) Ger­man His­to­ri­cal Con­fe­rence, Sep­tem­ber 22, 2016.


Octo­ber 2021, The Sound of Fri­end­ship: Warm Wave­lengths in a Cold, Cold War?

  • (Direc­tion, Archi­val Rese­arch, Sto­ry, Co-Pro­duc­tion– Anan­di­ta Baj­pai /Camera and Cine­ma­to­gra­phy– Dani­el Gatz­ma­ga, Came­ra and con­cep­tua­liza­ti­on– Jyothi­da­as KV, co-pro­duc­tion ZMO)
  • Offi­ci­al Trai­ler:

Lehre (Auswahl)

Som­mer­se­mes­ter 2019

  • From Nati­on buil­ding to Nati­on Bran­ding: New Nationalism(s) in India, Uni­ver­si­tät Wien (Eras­mus Exch­an­ge Tea­ching Resi­den­cy) The Par­ti­ti­on of Bri­tish India: 1947 and the After­li­ves of Mate­ri­al Objects, Sta­te dis­cour­ses and Oral His­to­ries, HU Ber­lin Con­su­med & Con­sum­ing: Of Gods, Jobs, Sexua­li­ties, Bodies in Neo­li­be­ral India, HU Berlin

Win­ter­se­mes­ter 2018–19

  • Intro­duc­tion to Area Stu­dies, HU Ber­lin Tra­cing India in a Ber­lin Archi­ve (with Dr. Hei­ke Liebau at Leib­niz-Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent, Ber­lin), HU Berlin

Som­mer­se­mes­ter 2018

  • The Ide­al Citi­zen of the Cold War: Per­spec­ti­ves from India (with Dr. Fran­zis­ka Roy at Leib­niz-Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent, Ber­lin), HU Berlin

Win­ter­se­mes­ter 2017–18

  • Tra­cing India in a Ber­lin Archi­ve (Bilin­gu­al cour­se in Ger­man and Eng­lish for Methods Modu­le) (with Dr. Hei­ke Liebau at Leib­niz-Zen­trum Moder­ner Ori­ent, Ber­lin), HU Ber­lin From Nati­on buil­ding to Nati­on Bran­ding: New Nationalism(s) in India, HU Ber­lin Intro­duc­tion to Area Stu­dies, HU Berlin

Som­mer­se­mes­ter 2017

  • Bureau­cra­cy in/and the Indi­an City: Red Tape Webs and the Clean India Cam­paigns, HU Ber­lin From Nati­on buil­ding to Nati­on Bran­ding: New Nationalism(s) in India, HU Berlin

Win­ter­se­mes­ter 2016–17

  • Spu­ren­su­che – Indi­en in Ber­li­ner Archi­ven /Traces of India in Berlin’s Archi­ves (Bilin­gu­al cour­se with Frank Drausch­ke, Facts and Files, Ber­lin), HU Ber­lin Under­stan­ding the lan­guages of new nationalism(s) in India: An Intro­duc­tion to Cri­ti­cal Dis­cour­se Ana­ly­sis, HU Berlin